make & co*de of the day - 12/23/23 (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)

Hello ~ 

Merry Christmas Eve Eve! Actually, it's nearly 12 AM as I'm typing this, so by the time it posts, it might already be Christmas Eve.

Today was pretty lowkey. I got my hair cut and then spent the rest of the day hanging out with my sisters.

I also took a nap. Rather, the nap took me because I definitely didn't mean to fall asleep.  

Today's co*de is SUPER simple. I mainly wanted to wear my new glasses.

I bought them because I thought they looked like something Bayonetta would wear. And now I'm obsessed.

I've also plucked my eyebrows, and you know what... I don't think I'm ever going back.

I remember not too long ago wishing my brows were thicker! And no matter how much rosemary or jojoba oil I applied to them or how much I filled them in, I was never satisfied with how they looked. Even when I got them professionally done I was never totally in love with them. 

But now... 

New look alert.

*Evangelion theme plays in another room*

In other news, I made a tumblr! So, definitely go follow me there for more gal goodness. 

It's for all things gyaru. 

Well, that's all for now. I hope you have a pleasant holiday season. 

All my love,

Lexie xxx

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Cute Hello Kitty Kaoani