dear dairy: 10/8/24

4:53 PM 

It's raining today. I visited a friend in the hospital this afternoon, so I can't think of a more suitable weather for the occasion. Anything less than grey and gloomy would be sort of... mocking. 

A 90s J-drama called Beach Boys was playing on the TV in the hospital room. And in the most Valley Girl (or Valley gal?) tone possible: the lead characters are, like..... totally hot. 

My friend and I decided to have a Beach Boys marathon when she gets discharged. 

I left her to rest and am currently writing this from a nearby cafe. I had to travel about an hour to get to the hospital, which isn't that long in the grand Tokyo scheme, but I thought I ought to check out some of the local sites. I'd never been to this part of the city before. 

By local sites, I almost exclusively mean the ginza and whatever cafe I wander into. Today, it's a cafe with a black cat as its logo. Oh! I also went to one of those gachapon halls and got some Tamagotchi rings. 

I'm feeling a little worn down. I recently decided to stop using birth control after 13 years of taking it. Every day since has felt a bit like a scene from a body horror film. Speaking of: I'm excited to see the Substance. It doesn't come out until May in Japan, and at that rate, I might watch it on streaming with my sister when I go back to America for the holidays. I do miss going to the cinema. I haven't done it much since moving to Tokyo. 

I thought I'd sit here at this cafe for a while, but I'm already itching to go home. I want to have a long bath, curl up in bed, and dream up some new content for this blog. I'm really happy with the direction it's taken. I want to write more. Do more. 

I'll finish my iced coffee and head out. I'll check in later. 

7:38 PM

I'm home now. Ate some soup. 

8:23 PM

I just made the collage for this post. That's all I want to do these days: collage. I wish there was some kind of profession for that, but instead I've got to get back into English teaching. It's not ideal, but it keeps me in Japan. I'm going to keep looking for something else. Something better.

I'm going to have a bath now. I recently purchased these bath salts from a nearby Life スーパー, and they are so lush. 

(That King Dedede came out of a Kirby-themed bath bomb, and now he eternally sits on the edge of my tub, watching me bathe... like a creep.)

They make me feel like one of those capybaras in the hot springs of Shizuoka. Maybe next time I'll throw in some oranges for the full capy experience. 

@arcade_q on Twitter

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Cute Hello Kitty Kaoani